Saturday 29 October 2011

When times gets tough, things change...

In the last week or more, we have had to make some major decisions in our family. One that is currently affecting me most is pulling my girls out of their currently Montessori school.

Anyone who knows me will know how passionate I am about Montessori education. To make this decision (due to mainly financial constraints and our possible relocation to WA) has been heart wrenching. We visited a few mainstream schools in the area and found that the local public school was a lot better than I had expected. Public schools aren't the way they used to be when I was younger. They have composite classes and along with a focus on academia, they also focus on other activities like chess, music, community gardens, etc. I was pleasantly surprised.

If you are wondering what exactly Montessori is, you can read about it here.

But why am I still feeling so hesitant?

Perhaps, I feel terrible for telling my teary almost-8 year old that she can't join the school band next year and would most likely need to connect with new people. And there's a part of me who is embarrassed that I'm finding it hard to pay the almost $30K school fees for both girls and then having to explain to other parents why I'm leaving. So trivial and juvenile, I know.

Plus when you have to let go of something you are so passionate about, it can be tough.

But this will be our new journey. And I'm hoping to make the most of it for the sake of my girls. We'll make sure that we have a ball!

1 comment:

  1. We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are brilliant and everything happens for a reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
